07 December 2012

Rubber for asphalt

Recycled rubber is becoming more and more used in every day's life. A new use is within asphalt, as they're doing in United States.

In Italy they're testing this new asphalt in the province of Turin, where they were used 1200 meters of special asphalt for the tool-free highway Torino-Venaria. 

The asphalt rubber, this is the name of the special asphalt made with rubber dust, gives several benefits. As a matter of fact it's safer and more comfortable for drivers, since vehicles can brake quicker even when it rains.

The asphalt rubber reduces rumor inside and outside the vehicle, as well as it reduces splashes of rain and fog and eliminates the reflection of light, improving night driving.

The only bad news is that this special asphalt is more expensive than the normal one, but it needs less maintenance.

So when we will have asphalt rubber in Europe?

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